What Did We Learn This Week!


[15 months actual/13 months corrected]

The girls have been doing really well imitating sounds lately - you can almost get a 'woof woof' out of them - but my favorite thing that they'll repeat is 'uh oh'.  They don't say it on their own and I'm sure don't understand what it means, but hearing a baby say uh oh is always cute.  Another one we hear a lot is 'no', usually in a string of three, since that's usually how we end up saying it to them.  Madeline has caught on that she only hears it in certain spots or when she's doing certain things - like trying to play with the power strip in their bedroom.  She doesn't know that 'no' means stop doing whatever it is you're doing, she just knows that when she's over there she hears 'no no no', so she says it too.  At least it's progress!

Delilah has started using her little car to practice walking now too, though she prefers to waddle around on her knees.  Madeline is a superstar getting up and down stairs, and BOTH girls have figured out that they can climb onto things if they get their knee up high enough.  So I'm not sure how much longer the bench we have blocking the stairs will work before they figure out that they can climb onto it.  We've also been practicing climbing onto the coffee table and the diaper box in the nursery (which we had been using to encourage standing and is now going into the garbage...), and Delilah is no longer stopped from getting off the blanket outside by touching grass.  I was also able to get Madeline to walk a bit on the grass as I held her hands, but Delilah just went full steam ahead, so now I have to have them strapped into their stroller because I can't leave anyone unattended outside and no one can walk.

I meant to have this posted much earlier, but now it's after midnight and my little angels will be awake and screaming in no time.  I'll come back tomorrow (technically today...) to add some videos of these rugrats.  On a side note - has anyone else's neighborhood been blowing up all weekend into today with fireworks?  I was just hearing some, which is a little ridiculous at this point...
