So technically our summer started at 12:45pm last Thursday, but there's just something about a Monday morning that you don't have an alarm set for...
If I had to guess who I thought was going to walk first, my guess would have been Delilah - she was the first to pull to stand and first to cruise. She's also a lot more fearless than Madeline - she literally throws herself into things, headfirst down stairs, headfirst playing on the nugget, testing our mobility limits... But she has a weaker core, so while she's fast with crawling, she's quite tentative with cruising. Madeline takes her time with her gross motor skills - fine motor skills came pretty easy to her. It took her at least a month after her sister starting crawling for her to get the hang of it, same with pulling to stand and cruising.
WELL, Madeline said 'hold my sippy cup' and decided to use our little ride on cars this weekend to start doing supporting walking. Super exciting, also a little nerve-wracking because the more mobile they get, the more I need to be on guard (we're REALLY into the dog lately, but don't understand how to pet nicely, and Pixel doesn't understand why he's the one that needs to leave the room and not the babies...)
Before I add some cute baby videos, here's a PSA for anyone with apps acting wacky lately or their google photos not syncing.. apparently some apps require you to change your wifi to 'unmetered' recently, and won't update or work properly until you do. Luckily, our personal tech guru was on top of that for us.
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