One Year of Madeline + Delilah

Madeline & Delilah, I am a mom because of you.  When you were born, we measured your milestones in days without bradycardia events, graduating from isolette to crib to bassinet, no longer needing a cpap machine to keep your oxygen levels up, and having your feeding tube removed.  Now, we measure your milestones by how much trouble you get yourselves into with your newfound ability to crawl and climb.  

You are no longer the 2lb 14 oz and 3lb 4 oz preemies that came into the world one year ago today, but 20-ish pound, solid babies, who have caught up to your actual-age peers' weights.  You laugh the best belly laughs when we tickle you and give you kisses, or when we toss you up in the air.  We love your curiosity at the world around you - maybe a little nosey, but I call it endearing.  Your lack of mobility caused frustration a few months ago, but you persevered and grew and worked at it, and now I can hardly keep up with two on-the-move twins.  You like to point and poke faces, investigate teeth, pick noses, babble, and (still) put everything in your mouth.  Madeline is very discerning with who she allows to make her smile; she is not so discerning with the types of food she eats.  Delilah cries at new faces and clings to me, but is also the one that is quickest to smile when she's feeling comfortable.  She also takes awhile to warm up to new food.  You keep us on our toes with bouts of crying - is it hunger? diaper? nap? teeth? developmental? something else?  And now no one likes to fall asleep without mommy sitting beside their crib.  

It was hard to snuggle you as newborns because you were constantly spitting up, but as that's subsided, it's also brought snuggly behavior from both of you, and even though it's only when we're cranky or sleepy, I will take these moments and cherish them.  The early days were hard and now are only a blur.  And the people who say, enjoy it while it lasts, well, those days are gone, and I don't miss them.  I'll think back to the quiet early mornings after both babies had been fed, and I would fall asleep with the second baby in the rocking chair (shh I know, this is bad, it's fine) and this would be the only time I could snuggle with my baby.  I enjoyed these moments, but I don't miss them - those moments came with 90 minute sleep sessions and constant crying and feeling unsure about parenthood, and having people tell you what you should be doing, and I'll take where we are now over that any day.

My two little peanut girls, the year ahead of you is full of possibilities - you two are the smartest (albeit mischievous), most determined babies I know, and I'm sure there will be not much that can hold you back.  Mommy loves you more than you know, and no matter how much you drive me crazy or how often I cry from how frustrating having twins is, I will always be your number one fan 💜

And now all the pictures from our Big Birthday!
